National University of Singapore, 2020 - 2023

Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering)

Minor in Computer Science

Minor in Engineering Materials

GPA: 4.87/5.00
Grade Breakdown: 21A+/9A/8A-
Total credits: 200/160

Courses taken

CN1101A: Chemical Engineering Principles and Practice I

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

This module provides an experiential exposure to chemical engineering concepts through a series of hands-on experimental laboratories. Simple yet visually engaging demonstrations will bring these concepts to life, and act as a preview and bridge to the core modules in the undergraduate curriculum, while highlighting their practical relevance. The students will prepare for each session by compulsory pre-laboratory readings on theoretical background and laboratory procedures. In the laboratory, they will learn to carry out measurement, data collection, analysis, modelling, interpretation and presentation. The laboratory sessions will be blended with real engineering applications of industrial and societal relevance to Singapore.

CN2101: Material and Energy Balances

Grade: A+   Credits: 3

This module provides students with basic concepts of material and energy balances in chemical engineering processes. It also gives a comprehensive introduction to different analytical and problem-solving methods. In particular, steady state material and energy balances, including recycles, phase changes and reactions, simultaneous material and energy balances and unsteady state balances are covered in this module. All fundamental concepts are illustrated by using relevant process examples. This module is targeted at level one engineering or science students.

CN2121: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

This module provides students with an understanding of the basic laws and concepts of thermodynamics for applying to analyze chemical engineering problems. The basic definition, applications and limitations of chemical engineering thermodynamics are first introduced followed by a review of basic laws, properties and concepts of thermodynamics. The application of basic concepts of energy conversion is extended to refrigeration and liquefaction processes. The development and discussion of thermodynamic property relations for systems of constant and variable compositions are covered in detail. The developed property relationships together with the basic laws are then applied to the analysis of the various equilibrium problems in chemical engineering such as vapour-liquid, vapour-liquid-liquid, liquid-liquid, solid-liquid and chemical reaction equilibria. This module is targeted at level 2 chemical engineering students.

GER1000: Quantitative Reasoning

Grade: A-   Credits: 4

This module aims to equip undergraduates with basic reasoning skills on using data to address real world issues. What are some potential complications to keep in mind as we plan what data to collect and how to use them to address our particular issue? When two things are related (e.g. smoking and cancer), how can we tell whether the relationship is causal (e.g. smoking causes cancer)? How can quantitative reasoning help us deal with uncertainty or elucidate complex relationships? These and other questions will be discussed using real world examples.

MA1511: Engineering Calculus

Grade: A   Credits: 2

This is a seven-week module specially designed for students majoring in Engineering. It introduces the basic concepts in one variable and several variable calculus with applications in engineering. Main topics: One variable calculus. Power series. Partial differentiation. Multiple integrals. Vector Calculus.

MA1512: Differential Equations for Engineering

Grade: A   Credits: 2

This is a seven-week module specially designed for students majoring in Engineering. It introduces the basic concepts in differential equations with applications in engineering. Major topics: First order ordinary differential equations and applications. Second order ordinary differential equations and applications. Partial differential equations and applications. Laplace transforms and applications.

UTC1702E: Thinking in Systems: Energy Systems

Grade: CS   Credits: 4

Are energy sources infinite? Do energy policies lead to a sustainable energy development? Would renewables solve our future energy needs, mitigate emissions and protect our environment? Students deal with such energy challenges by learning to understand energy systems as a complex whole. This module provides a platform for students to understand the complex behavior arising from interdependent interactions of different actors of energy systems with other economic, political, social, technological and environmental factors. To achieve this, it engages students to learn and apply systems thinking tools to such aforementioned challenges through relevant models, case studies and real-world energy policy/problem scenarios.

UTW1001E: From Human to 'Posthuman'

Grade: A-   Credits: 4

This writing course considers the eternal question of what it is to be human in relation to the possibilities of transforming ourselves through genetic, neuro-cognitive or cybernetic technologies. How significantly would individuals, populations or the entire species have to be changed to warrant use of the term posthuman in describing them? How desirable would it be to transcend certain of our current limitations or to acquire wholly new capabilities? In small interactive classes, students will explore these questions through critical examination of viewpoints expressed in both scholarly literature and imaginative media, ultimately developing their own positions in written arguments.

CN2102: Chemical Engineering Principles and Practice II

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

This module is the second part of a two-part module designed to provide first year Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering students with an experiential exposure to the foundational concepts of Biomolecular/Biochemical/Bioprocess Engineering, including mass and energy balances, biosafety and sterile handling, bioreaction kinetics, bioreactor design, downstream processing and purification, etc., through a series of hands-on experimental laboratories. In the laboratory, they will learn to carry out measurement, data collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation. The laboratory sessions will be blended with real engineering applications of industrial and societal relevance to Singapore.

CN2116: Chemical Kinetics & Reactor Design

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

The module begins with a revision of chemical kinetics and thermodynamics emphasizing on the different definitions of reaction rates, rate expressions, and simple and complex reactions. The design equations for ideal reactors are then introduced followed by the general methods of analysis of rate data. Reactor sequencing, yield versus productivity considerations in multiple reactions, and nonisothermal operations round up the first half of the course. More advanced topics such as residence time distributions in reactors, kinetics of catalytic reactions and catalyst deactivation, coupling of chemical reactions with transport processes, form the bulk of the second half of the course.

CN2122A: Fluid Mechanics

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

This module considers the classification of fluids and their properties, followed by the analysis of static fluid. The integral and differential forms of the fundamental equations - Continuity, Momentum and Energy equations are then studied. The concept of momentum transfer by the shear stress is introduced in this course. Dimensional analysis and model theory are studied. The concept about boundary layer theory, flow with pressure gradient, viscous flow and turbulence are also described. Practical aspect involves the consideration of flows in closed conduits. At the end of the course, basic concepts regarding fluid machinery is also covered.

CN2125: Heat & Mass Transfer

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

This course considers three modes of heat transfer, namely, conduction, convection, and radiation. For heat conduction, both steady and unsteady states are examined. These are followed by analyses for convective heat transfer and heat transfer with phase change, and subsequently radiative heat transfer. Heat exchangers and their design are discussed. Steady and unsteady-state molecular diffusion is studied, while convective mass transfer is analyzed using exact and approximate integral analysis. Finally, analogies between mass, heat and momentum transfer are discussed leading to the concept of transport phenomena.

CS1010E: Programming Methodology

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

This module introduces the fundamental concepts of problem solving by computing and programming using an imperative programming language. It is the first and foremost introductory course to computing. Topics covered include computational thinking and computational problem solving, designing and specifying an algorithm, basic problem formulation and problem solving approaches, program development, coding, testing and debugging, fundamental programming constructs (variables, types, expressions, assignments, functions, control structures, etc.), fundamental data structures (arrays, strings, composite data types), basic sorting, and recursion.

MA1513: Linear Algebra with Differential Equations

Grade: A+   Credits: 2

This is a six-week module specially designed for students majoring in Engineering. It introduces the basic concepts in linear algebra with applications in engineering. Major topics: Matrix algebra, linear system of equations, vector spaces, linear independence, basis, orthogonality, rank, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization, linear systems of differential equations, linearization of nonlinear systems.

MLE1010: Materials Engineering Principles & Practices

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

Students will be introduced to the mechanical and electrical properties of the main classes of materials, metals, polymers, ceramics, composites and semiconductors followed by techniques used to select suitable materials for future design projects. The module will cover the correlation between these fundamental materials properties and both chemical composition and microstructure, including the impact of the fabrication process.

UTC2716: Networks: Complexity and Order

Grade: S   Credits: 4

A complex system entails a network of interconnections among its constituents. Take the network of friendships in a society. "Six degrees of separation" posits that any two persons in the world are connected through five or fewer other persons in this network. This amazing "small world" notion prompted scientists to study the organisational structure of networks. Indeed, many networks - however massive and complex - follow an order based on simple principles. In a minimally technical manner, this module follows this exciting development, which impacts our understanding of a plethora of phenomena from the spread of diseases to the propagation of opinions.

EG1311: Design and Make

Done as Advanced Placement Credits (APC)

Grade: CS   Credits: 4

This module covers the fundamentals of engineering design and prototyping. Students will learn design principles and tools through lectures and engage in experiential learning through group design projects. A stage-based design process will be covered. Students will develop their skills in eliciting user needs, ideating solutions, and making prototypes to demonstrate their ideas.

CS2030: Programming Methodology II

Grade: A   Credits: 4

This module is a follow up to CS1010. It explores two modern programming paradigms, object-oriented programming and functional programming. Through a series of integrated assignments, students will learn to develop medium-scale software programs in the order of thousands of lines of code and tens of classes using objectoriented design principles and advanced programming constructs available in the two paradigms. Topics include objects and classes, composition, association, inheritance, interface, polymorphism, abstract classes, dynamic binding, lambda expression, effect-free programming, first class functions, closures, continuations, monad, etc.

CS2040: Data Structures and Algorithms

Grade: A-   Credits: 4

This module introduces students to the design and implementation of fundamental data structures and algorithms. The module covers basic data structures (linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, binary heaps, trees, and graphs), searching and sorting algorithms, and basic analysis of algorithms.

UTS2711: Religion, Governance and Policymaking in Singapore

Grade: S   Credits: 4

This module takes a social systems approach underpinned by interdisciplinarity to survey the connections and linkages of policymaking and governance vis-à-vis religious actors in Singapore. Balancing between theory and application, and between historical narrative and focus on the contemporary, this module interrogates a wide and complex array of religious-related factors which may influence the government in its policymaking process and the implementation of public policy, secularism in Singapore notwithstanding. This module also investigates how the myriad of religious factors can effect social change and determine the direction of the policies of the government vis-à-vis politico-economic and socio-cultural issues in Singapore.

PV1x: Solar Energy: Photovoltaic (PV) Energy Conversion

Done as Design your Own Module (DYOM)

Grade: CS   Credits: 5  Certificate

The key factor in getting more efficient and cheaper solar energy panels is the advance in the development of photovoltaic cells. In this course, you will learn how photovoltaic cells convert solar energy into usable electricity. You will also discover how to tackle potential loss mechanisms in solar cells. By understanding the semiconductor physics and optics involved, you will develop in-depth knowledge of how a photovoltaic cell works under different conditions. You will learn how to model all aspects of a working solar cell. For engineers and scientists working in the photovoltaic industry, this course is an absolute must to understand the opportunities for solar cell innovation.

PV2x: Solar Energy: Photovoltaic (PV) Technologies

Done as Design your Own Module (DYOM)

Grade: CS   Credits: 3  Certificate

The technologies used to produce solar cells and photovoltaic modules are advancing to deliver highly efficient and flexible solar panels. In this course you will explore the main PV technologies in the current market. You will gain in-depth knowledge about crystalline silicon based solar cells (90% market share) as well as other up and coming technologies like CdTe, CIGS and Perovskites. This course provides answers to the questions: How are solar cells made from raw materials? Which technologies have the potential to be the major players for different applications in the future? What different techniques are used for the processing and characterization of the various PV technologies?

CN3124A: Fluid-Particle Systems

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

This module introduces various multiphase processes that are important to Chemical Engineering applications. These include sedimentation, flow through packed beds, filtration, fluidisation, pneumatic transport and cyclone separation. The concepts of single particle terminal velocity and hindered settling velocity in multiple particle systems are introduced and applied to engineering designs of continuous settling systems. Principles of flow through packed beds are discussed and applied towards engineering designs of filtration and fluidized bed systems. Pressure drop calculations for pneumatic transport systems and engineering design calculations for gas cyclone systems are discussed. The module concludes with the study of crystallisation, colloids and nanoparticles.

CN3132: Separation Processes

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

In this module, equilibrium stage and rate-based design concepts in separation processes are introduced. Starting from simple single stage, binary separation, the theoretical treatment is extended to multi-component, multi-stage processes. After brief introduction to inter-phase mass transfer, basic concepts in rate-based design for the more important separation processes such as absorption and distillation are illustrated. The rate-based design concept is then extended to operations involving simultaneous heat and mass transfer such as in cooling tower and dryer. The process design principles are illustrated with distillation, absorption, extraction, adsorption, cooling tower and drying processes.

CN3135: Process Safety, Health and Environment

Grade: A   Credits: 3

This module aims to provide fundamental concepts and methods for the design and operation of safe plants. The students will gain a thorough understanding of chemical process hazards, their identification, their potential effects on safety, health, and the environment, and methods of assessment and control. Emphasis is placed on the integrated management of safety, health, and environmental sustainability.

CN5216: Electronic Materials and Energy Technologies

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

Electronic materials have become essential for modern society, and new breakthroughs in electronic materials promise to offer next generation technologies. This course explores the fundamental mechanisms for understanding existing and emerging electronic materials for green energy devices in the modern world. This survey course will enable students to learn the fundamental properties in order to understand the operation and development of materials for applications such as organic electronics, hybrid semiconductors, photovoltaics, photocatalysts, and optoelectronic devices. This course is also intended to introduce contemporary research to students through discussion and analysis of research manuscripts as case studies.

CS1231: Discrete Structures

Grade: A   Credits: 4

This module introduces mathematical tools required in the study of computer science. Topics include: (1) Logic and proof techniques: propositions, conditionals, quantifications. (2) Relations and Functions: Equivalence relations and partitions. Partially ordered sets. Well-Ordering Principle. Function equality. Boolean/identity/inverse functions. Bijection. (3) Mathematical formulation of data models (linear model, trees, graphs). (4) Counting and Combinatoric: Pigeonhole Principle. Inclusion-Exclusion Principle. Number of relations on a set, number of injections from one finite set to another, Diagonalisation proof: An infinite countable set has an uncountable power set; Algorithmic proof: An infinite set has a countably infinite subset. Subsets of countable sets are countable.

EE2211: Introduction to Machine Learning

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

This module introduces students to various machine learning concepts and applications, and the mathematical tools needed to understand them. Topics include supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques, optimization, overfitting, regularization, crossvalidation and evaluation metrics. The mathematical tools include basic topics in probability and statistics, linear algebra, and optimization. These concepts will be illustrated through various machine learning techniques and examples, such as forecasting population growth, classifying E-mail as spam or non-spam and predicting heart disease.

EG2101: Pathways to Engineering Leadership

Grade: CS   Credits: 2

Recognizing that each professional leadership journey to comprises an individual's internalised learning and experiences, this module provides a platform for students to explore different means and take active steps towards honing their professional and leadership skills based on their needs and experiences. Students will meet with mentors to discuss talks, lectures, workshops and other initiatives that can help them in their professional journey and be guided in reflecting on this journey for deeper impact. Despite the individual nature of each leadership journey, ethical values are recognized as indispensable for every engineering professional and will be part of this module.

MLE2101: Introduction to Structure of Materials

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

Overview: symmetry, bonding, coordination number, packing fraction, order and disorder; Noncrystalline state: short-range order (SRO), pair distribution function, random walk, network and fractal models; Crystalline state: basic crystallography and structures, reciprocal lattice, quasicrystals, liquid crystalline state; Crystal vibrations, Brillouin zone; free electron model, energy bands; Structural effects on phase transformation; Fourier series.

UTW2001E: Ethics in Outer Space

Grade: S   Credits: 4

Venturing into space, the most hostile of extreme environments, poses a host of complex and unusual challenges to human well-being. Through examination of the physiological, psychological and social factors that astronauts must contend with, students will engage with the ethical questions that confront governmental and private agencies when sending men and women into space. Before selecting specific ethical questions to explore in their research papers, students will also examine the motivations (scientific, commercial, political) behind different kinds of space mission and consider the moral obligations humankind may be under with regard to the exploration and potential exploitation of extraterrestrial environments.

CN3101A: Chemical Engineering Process Lab

Grade: A-   Credits: 4

Students will learn how to perform laboratory-scale experiments in a small team. This practical module strengthens their technical writing and oral presentation, and problem-solving skills. Experiments in this module are related to chemical engineering thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, reaction engineering, process dynamics and control, mass transfer and separation processes. Moreover, students will learn how to use safety equipment to handle hazardous waste following safety protocols. They will also learn assembly/disassembly of equipment, fault diagnosis, operation of thermocouples and flow meters, instrumental analysis, data logging and processing, operation of process plant items, error analysis and data validation.

CN3121: Process Dynamics & Control

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

This module presents the full complement of fundamental principles with clear application to heat exchangers, reactors, separation processes and storage systems. It incorporates introductory concepts, dynamic modeling, feedback control concepts and design methods, control hardware, and advanced control strategies including feed-forward, cascade and model-based control. SIMULINK will be introduced and used to simulate and examine the effectiveness of various control strategies. The module also incorporates case studies that prepare the students to design control systems for a realistic sized plant. This module is targeted at chemical engineering students who already have a basic knowledge of chemical engineering processes.

CN3421A: Process Modeling And Numerical Simulation

Grade: A   Credits: 3

This module introduces model formulation and MATLAB programming specially for chemical engineering students. This course covers the formulation of process models and necessary numerical techniques for solving the model equations arising in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, reaction engineering, transport phenomena, and process systems engineering. The numerical techniques include methods for solving systems of linear and non-linear algebraic equations and systems of linear and non-linear ordinary and partial differential equations. Direct and iterative techniques, numerical differentiation and integration, linear regression, error propagation, convergence and stability analysis will also be taught in the context of chemical engineering problems. Students will learn using various tools (Excel spreadsheet and MATLAB) for solving different numerical problems. This module is targeted at level 3 chemical and environmental engineering students.

CN4122: Process Synthesis and Simulation

Grade: A+   Credits: 3

This module aims to provide fundamentals and methods of of process synthesis and simulation, which are required for design of chemical processes/plants. Students learn a heuristic method for process development, simulation strategies, main steps in process design and rigorous process simulation using a commercial simulator through both lectures and many hands-on exercises. They will also learn detailed mechanical design of process equipment, cost estimation and profitability analysis of chemical processes.

CN4223R: Microelectronic Thin Films

Grade: A   Credits: 4

This module provides students with a working knowledge of thin film technology as this is applicable in the microelectronics industry. The emphasis is on the role of chemical and engineering science in materials processing. The module commences with an introduction to basic concepts in the kinetic theory of gases, thin film formation, vacuum technology and surface preparation. The next section covers a variety of thin film deposition techniques - physical as well as chemical. Thin film processing and patterning is the next subject of discussion. In particular, process operations relevant to semi-conductor device manufacture are covered. Diagnostics and characterisation of thin films is also presented with a view to familiarise students in state-of-the-art methodologies. The last part is devoted to an intensive study of thin film phenomena from a materials perspective. This module is targeted at level 4 chemical engineering students.

CN5432: Fundamentals and Applications of Porous Materials

Grade: A   Credits: 4

The recent decade has witnessed the rapid development of porous materials and their applications in clean energy and environmental sustainability including storage, separation, sensing, and catalysis. This module covers the chemistry, structure, characterization, and applications of various porous materials including zeolites, inorganic mesoporous materials, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), covalent organic frameworks (COFs), and other newlyemerged porous materials. It is a multidisciplinary course integrating chemistry, materials science, and chemical engineering with a focus on addressing some of the most challenging problems such as hydrogen storage, carbon capture, and CO2 utilization.

EG2605: Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme

Research under Assistant Professor He Qian's group

Grade: CS   Credits: 4

MLE2105: Electronic Properties of Materials

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

Drude model of metal conduction; basic quantum mechanics; wave equations; quantum confinement; Bloch theory and periodic potential in solid; energy band structure; effective mass; Fermi Dirac statistics; Sommerfeld model of metallic conduction; semiconduct or: intrinsic, extrinsic, doping and conductivity; Boltzmann statistics; energy band structure; pn junction; selected examples of current devices and applications

EG2701A: Aspirational Project I

Research under Assistant Professor Pieremanuele Canepa's group

Grade: CS   Credits: 8

This is the first of a series of two 2-semesters long modules intended to allow students to pursue a project of their interest under the supervision of a faculty mentor. The idea is to allow students to follow their aspirations and work towards an impactful goal. The project may be carried out within or outside NUS and may last more than one semester. It may or may not be confined to engineering disciplines, but it should have a clear articulation of possible impact on society or community life. This module can only be read by students of the EScholars Programme.

CS3244: Machine Learning

Grade: A-   Credits: 4

This module introduces basic concepts and algorithms in machine learning and neural networks. The main reason for studying computational learning is to make better use of powerful computers to learn knowledge (or regularities) from the raw data. The ultimate objective is to build self-learning systems to relieve human from some of already-too-many programming tasks. At the end of the course, students are expected to be familiar with the theories and paradigms of computational learning, and capable of implementing basic learning systems.

IWC207: Statistics

Done in Korea University (Winter School)

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

This course provides a broad introduction to statistical practice and data analysis techniques. It aims to equip students with a basic understanding of statistics, so that they can employ appropriate methods of analysis in various circumstances. The techniques learnt are widely used in the sciences, social sciences, business and many other fields of study. Topics covered include collecting data, getting information from data, data manipulation, statistical inference, regression and analysis of categorical data.

CN4205R: Pinch Analysis and Process Integration

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

This module provides students with a working knowledge of selected techniques and software in pinch analysis and process integration as well as their application to chemical processes. The first part of the module covers pinch analysis for heat integration, including data extraction and energy targeting, heat exchanger network design, integration of utilities, heat and power systems, and distillation columns. Application of pinch analysis to maximization of water re-use is also discussed. Another topic is data reconciliation and gross error detection, and their applications. This module is targeted at senior chemical engineering students.

CN5190: Hydrogen Energy and Technology

Grade: A-   Credits: 4

This module gives a comprehensive overview of the fundamental knowledge of hydrogen, and introduction to the development of hydrogen technologies, including hydrogen production, storage and transportation, hydrogen utilization in industry, and as a clean fuel. Opinions and perspectives on future hydrogen economy will also be introduced. Students will learn various types of hydrogen related research and technologies, their significance, advantages, challenges and opportunities ahead. Guest lectures from academic and industrial experts, literatures from key areas will also be introduced to reinforce classroom learning. This module is meant for students with some chemical engineering, chemistry, materials science, or related background.

EG3611A: Industrial Attachment

Research intern in the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)

Grade: CS   Credits: 10

This internship module is for B.Eng. degree with a compulsory 20-week internship. The type of internship varies according to the programmes. Internships integrate knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skill development in a professional setting. It enables students to learn about the latest developments in the industries and to interact with engineers and other professionals as they join projects or tasks that help to develop or enhance their skills whilst contributing to the organization. Students can extend their internship module by another 4 weeks and earn additional 2 MC by registering EG3611b Industrial Attachment.

CN4118: B.Eng. Dissertation

Research under Professor Karimi's group

Grade: A-   Credits: 8

The project aims to provide students with training for scientific or technical research. The module involves an assignment of a research project, equipment training and safety education. Students need to spend at least one full day per week on the project under the guidance of the project supervisor and co-supervisor. A thesis is required at the end of the semester, including literature survey, materials and method, results and discussion, and suggestions for further study. A poster presentation is also required. This module is targeted at all level 4 chemical engineering students.

CN4123R: Final Year Design Project

Grade: A-   Credits: 6

In this capstone design project, students execute a group project to design a chemical production facility. They solve a practical design problem in the same way as might be expected in an industrial situation. Students develop and evaluate process flowsheet alternatives via rigorous simulation, perform preliminary sizing, analyze safety and hazards, and estimate costs and profitability. Further, they learn how to solve open-ended problems by making critical design decisions with sound scientific justification and giving due consideration to cost and safety. Project coordinators act as facilitators, and students work almost independently on the project and exercise their creativity.

MLE4207: Microfabrication Process and Technology

Grade: A   Credits: 4

The module presents an overview of CMOS fabrication process with the focus on the materials engineering and the physics behind the technologies used in the fabrication process. The technologies include cleaning process, photolithography and resist, the formation of thermal oxides and Si/SiO2 interface, dopant diffusion and ion implantation, etching, thin film deposition technology, and interconnects/contacts.

MLE5215: Atomistic Modelling of Molecules and Materials

Grade: A+   Credits: 4

The module equips students interested in computational chemistry and materials science materials with: 1. Foundation of force-field and interatomic potentials 2. Foundation of first principles methodologies 3. Foundation of the methodologies aforementioned when applied in molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo studied. 4. Hands-on application of computational techniques to chemical and materials science problems.